High blood pressure: The simple exercise shown to lower BP – don’t have to leave your seat

Dr Manesh Saxena explains new blood pressure injection

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Scientists behind the research found blood pressure readings were lowered after 20 weeks of the exercise.

During their research participants engaged in 10 handgrip exercises three times a week for eight weeks.

At the time of writing the researchers said: “The results of this study indicate that isometric handgrip exercises improve resting systolic blood pressure.”

Furthermore, the results also showed one of the body’s main arteries becoming more flexible as a result of the exercise.

How to lower blood pressure

There are several ways someone can lower their blood pressure.

These include lifestyle changes and medication.

Lifestyle changes include:
• Cutting salt intake
• Eating a low-fat, balanced diet
• Keeping active
• Cutting down alcohol consumption
• Losing weight
• Drinking less caffeine
• Quitting smoking.

If lifestyle changes fail medications may be suggested or prescribed by someone’s GP.

The two medications normally included are ACE Inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).

In common with other medications, both of these can cause side effects.

These include dizziness, headaches, and potentially, a rash.

This isn’t an exhaustive list of the potential side effects of these medications.

The full list will be present on the leaflet accompanying each packet of medication.

Should a side effect be experienced which isn’t listed, a patient still has a means to take action via the Government’s Yellow Card Scheme.

Set up in the mid-1960s, this was designed to allow patients to report issues with medicinal products.

Once a complaint has been submitted, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) can then decide whether to take action.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, this service was expanded to include a Covid only Yellow Card Scheme.

At the time of writing the Covid specific Yellow Card Scheme remains active.

The agency constantly updates the list of actions and investigations it has undertaken regarding issues reported to this service.

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