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Health Council: These foods you should never heat in the microwave
Food warm-up: Not all of the food in the microwave
If the food tasted the day before, you can heat it up again the next day in the microwave quickly. What many do not know: Not all foods should be heated therein. It could harm the health.
Massive Food Waste
“11 million tons of food are thrown away every year in Germany. Around 60 percent of the households that are on average 82 kg per head and year. 65 percent of these discarded foods are so-called avoidable waste, i.e. food, at the time of Ejection still edible,“ writes the Ministry for Rural space and consumer protection Baden-Württemberg on its website. However, food waste can be avoided. In addition to gezielterem shopping or the Freezing of food, the warming up of food is a possibility. Used the microwave, however, caution should be exercised. Because of some of the microwave-heated food is a health risk.
Practical Household Appliance
The microwave is one of the most common household appliances in this country. In practical devices, hot meals in a matter of minutes are finished. Some consumers fear that food from the microwave healthy.
“However, this concern is unfounded,” reports the Federal center for nutrition (BZfE).
“The electromagnetic radiation of the microwave, put the ingredients in the food only in the vibration, so that heat is generated. The composition of the feed does not change, however. The waves are not strong enough,“ said the experts.
And: “The food may also absorb any radiation. Food from the microwave are just as safe as food from the cooking pot.“
However, some food should be on the ground to warm up in the microwave – because, otherwise, risks threaten health.
Chicken does not reheat in the microwave
Professionals recommend that cold chicken in the microwave to warm up. Because the protein structures in the meat change, which is why our body can’t process proteins properly.
This can have the consequence that it comes to digestive problems, Nausea, and diarrhea.
The poultry should be better warmed up in the oven, taking care to ensure that it is heated for several minutes to completely and evenly. The meat should ultimately be also in the middle of hot.
Fungi enjoy better fresh
Also mushrooms should not in the microwave. Not only because they taste freshly prepared is best, but also because they can form during prolonged storage of dangerous toxins, which can have health complaints, such as Nausea or vomiting and diarrhea.
As a General rule, the remnants of mushroom dishes quickly cool and do not store for longer than a day in the fridge. This is also true for dishes with spinach.
During a single reheating, the food should be heated to at least 70 degrees. Once again, the court should not be warmed up.
Possible Gastro-Intestinal Complaints
Discouraged by the warm-up of eggs, no matter whether they are cooked, processed into an Omelette, or for an Asian noodle dish were used.
Similar to poultry may change in the protein structures, what may cause stomach discomfort.
Moreover, Salmonella is a danger, if the eggs were heated, neither of the first preparation even when warming up long enough.
Salmonella are bacteria that cause of severe gastro-intestinal illness (salmonellosis) can be.
The disease occurs a few hours to days after infection and is expressed primarily by suddenly the onset of diarrhea, abdominal pain, malaise, feeling cold and headache.
In some cases, vomiting and a slight fever.
Warm up in the cooking pot is safer
In the case of cooked rice and potatoes, which have not been stored after preparation, quickly in the fridge, there is also a certain risk, as can form spores and fungi.
You heat the food then only for a short time or low temperature, do not kill the germs. The result can be food poisoning.
Basically, a health hazard is the Heating of the above-mentioned foods in the microwave. The cooking pot or stove are considered to be the safer Alternative. Because by thorough cooking or Heating bacteria can be killed.
When Heated in the microwave, the food will not be heated usually hot enough or long enough.
Is cooking in the microwave unhealthy or harmful?
Some consumers fear that the food preparation in the microwave, in General, harmful to health. But is this actually so? For more information, see the article: food from the microwave – How healthy could that be? (ad)