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How sports can motivate
For many fitness muffle, it is hard enough as it is, even with the Sport to begin with. And it is even more difficult, after several weeks stay. On the strength of it does not fail it usually. The Problem is rather that it falls short of the expectations: Many don’t ask themselves the right questions, says Luise Walther, a Personal trainer from Berlin.
Why do I do sports? What makes me fun? What I expect from me and the sports? “Only those who know for what reasons he is doing sports, you can call this Motivation in mind, if he has a bad day, or the thirst of the route is quite deal with it.”
There are external and internal motivation factors for Sport. “Many of my clients begin to engage in sports, to make the Partner happy,” says Walther. “This is the beginning of okay to get off the Couch. But after some time, everyone must figure out for himself why he wants to move.”
“Emotions are the A and O”
A typical internal drive, the own health. Particularly important here is to go into Detail. “The goal is to be healthier, is usually to be impalpable to a long-term inspire,” says Walther. It would be better to be aware of what exactly the Sport is healthy – so, for example, the muscle that prevents back pain.
Also whoever measures himself with another, or even high-performance sport operates, you should put specific goals. Fitness blogger, mental trainer and author Klara Fuchs says: “at the beginning of my training in the fall of 2017, I sought me out directly a certain Half-Ironman in Slovenia, I in the summer of 2018 wanted to run.”
Such emotional reasons are often much more than purely rational, says trainer Walther. “Emotions and With the Knowledge that Sport is good for me, I would not get far. Much better it work, if I imagine, how I like to play as a pensioner with my grandchildren in the garden.”
Own needs
Similar to the Jens looks Kleinert. “Central is that I run my Sport with pleasure and joy,” says the sports psychologist, teaches at the German sport University in Cologne. “Who must force yourself always and no positive feelings about the movement that connects the stop sooner or later.”
Be tip: the so-called psychological needs take advantage of. The need for relationships could satisfy during sports, for example, by meeting with friends or new people to know. Those who learn a whole new sport that satisfies his need for new challenges.
“The more reasons I have to play sports, the better,” says Fox. These reasons may also change during the training: “It may well be that someone wants to lose weight at the beginning, but in the long term, because it develops team spirit and his friends want to see every week on the football field,” says Walter. Also, the obligation to be every week at a certain time in a certain place, play a role in this.
Sports make to the Routine
“Routine is very important. Eventually, the Sport is like brushing your the teeth,” says Fuchs. Movement is a natural part of everyday life. Until then, it can take several weeks and months. Fuchs advises, therefore, to incorporate just the beginning of small rewards in the training plan. It recommends delicious food, a good series or new sports clothes to motivate yourself for the next unit.
Which sport is most in the end, the most effective is to, in order to achieve the goals you have set, in your opinion, however, of secondary importance. Also, if the gym sounds like the easiest way: in the end, it’s more important that you did something.