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Jenna Jameson Says She Felt Beautiful But 'Disappointed And Unhealthy' At 187 Pounds
Jenna Jameson has been super honest about all the ups and downs of her weight loss journey since revealing in July that she was on the keto diet. And in her newest Instagram post she had one main message about weight loss for her followers: “Weight does not define your beauty.”
“I felt beautiful at my bigger size,” she wrote in the caption of her post, which was a side-by-side comparison of her pre-weight loss with her at her current weight.
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Here’s my weekly motivational post. YOU ARE ENOUGH. No matter your size. Weight does not define your beauty. I felt beautiful at my bigger size, I also felt disappointed and unhealthy. Taking control of your weight helps your confidence and health but it doesn’t make you beautiful… your inner light does that. Now beyond that, I want to point out the incredible positive, supportive community we have built here. I read EVERY single comment. Your words resonate. Thank you. ♥️ #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #keto #intermittentfasting #beauty #ketodiet #fitmomsofig #positivevibes #sahm
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But, she continued, that didn’t mean she was 100 percent happy with her body. “I also felt disappointed and unhealthy,” she added.
“Taking control of your weight helps your confidence and health but it doesn’t make you beautiful,” she wrote. “Your inner light does that.”
This isn’t the first time she’s addressed how she wasn’t feeling great physically at her previous weight of 187 pounds. In an Instagram post from July, she wrote that pre-weight loss, “I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli [her daughter],” she wrote. “I felt slow mentally and physically.”
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Thought I’d post a #motivationmonday #beforeandafter of my total weightloss. On the right I weight 187. On the left I’m a strong 130. I was lethargic and struggled with the easiest of tasks like walking in the beach sand with Batelli. I felt slow mentally and physically. I took the pic on the right for a body positive post I was going to do and decided against it because I felt anything but fucking positive. I’m now a little under 4 months on the #ketodiet and it’s not only given me physical results, I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident. I also want to let y’all know how much your amazing support means to me. I know you loved me heavy, and now… but your journeys inspire me to keep inspiring you. Thank you for going on this journey with me. I love you guys! #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #ketotransformation #fitmom
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But after just four months on the keto diet, Jenna lost 57 pounds—and gained much of her confidence back. “I feel happier, smarter, and much more confident,” she wrote in the same Instagram post.
Now, with six months of keto under her belt, Jenna is at her “ideal weight” (125 pounds)—and feels better than ever… (or in her words, “snatched”). She’s even transitioned to the maintenance stage of her weight loss. “I don’t want to lose more,” she wrote on Instagram in September. “So I’m upping my calories from my usual #ketodiet.”
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Let’s talk maintenance. This is something I know very little about, but like everything I do… I’m trusting my intuition. Since I’m at my goal weight (125) I don’t want to lose more, so I’m upping my calories from my usual #ketodiet . But LISTEN TO ME, I am not saying to myself… “it’s ok to eat garbage processed nastiness! I am sticking to yummy organic fresh foods. I’m just allowing myself room. Yesterday I ate a HUGE siracha burger with jalapeños done protein style. I ate salmon and a big Caesars salad for dinner and had my usual three eggs and cheese for breakfast. My scale is reflecting and staying put. I think a lot of us worry about details that don’t really matter, like times and exact numbers. My advice is trust your intuition and trust your body. I also allow myself a treat more often now. Once a week I get some gelato or ice cream. Guilty pleasure for sure! Let me know your thoughts on maintaining your goal weight! Love you #ketotransformation #beforeandafterweightloss #beforeandafter #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #keto #weightloss #intermittentfasting *for the haters that are saying I’m photoshopping, plz view my Ig story where I post video
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In true Jenna fashion, she ended her newest Instagram post thanking her Instagram community for their support. “I read EVERY single comment,” she wrote. “Your words resonate. Thank you.”
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