Feeling of pressure on the heart First of a heart attack symptoms recognize

The correct behaviour in case of a heart attack can save lives, and consequential damages, prevent

Who detects the first signs of a heart attack quickly and correctly to be classified white, can start much faster the therapy, and thus increases its chances of Survival increasingly. Rather, once more, to the emergency contact as too long to wait. More about the first symptoms of a heart attack and how to recognize these, you will learn in this article.

It is important to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack in a timely manner to alert and then immediately for an ambulance. The only way the heart can be protected from permanent damage (heart weakness). “Unfortunately, more than half of all heart attack but not dying to complain about cases before Reaching the hospital because the Affected when infarction is suspected, to assign to long before the 112 hesitation or heart attack symptoms properly”, reported Prof. Dr. med. Heribert Schunkert, Medical Director of the German heart centre in Munich.

Heart attack symptoms: Not always chest pain is the leading Symptom

Heart attack symptoms in older persons, especially in women, often non-specific. “Many heart attack deaths in women could be avoided would be interpreted the heart-attack – symptoms-and so valuable time won”, emphasized Professor Dr. med. Christiane Tiefenbacher, chief doctor of the cardiology Department at the Marien-Hospital, Wesel, in a press release. In particular, the sometimes lack of a strong pain in the chest distract often from the fact that it is a heart attack. To compound the problem, older women live more often alone and in an emergency, no one dare to the rescue for you to call.

Non-specific symptoms of a heart attack recognize

“The Absence of chest pain is an age effect that is also found in men”, according to the heart specialist. The older the heart attack victims are, the more likely the probability that no chest pain appeared to be. Instead, the older Affected often report:

  • Abdominal pain upper,
  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • Excessive (strong) sweating,
  • Back pain,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Fatigue.

Heart attack symptoms are often interpreted as an upset stomach

The complaints are perceived with increasing age, less intense. Strong back pain in the Background, instead, non-specific complaints such as abdominal pain and Nausea occur increasingly in the foreground. “This will not be interpreted by the affected women rarely falsely as a harmless stomach upset,” warns Dr. med. Tiefenbacher. The specialist advises that older people, even with these symptoms, and in the case of suspected heart attack in the ambulance service to call. In addition, there is also the possibility of a home emergency call system, such as offered by the Malteser service, the knights of St. John, the Arbeiter-Samariter help of the Confederation or the German Red cross.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of heart attacks in Germany

When people suffer a heart attack, it is are particularly important to quickly. A heart attack can cause life-threatening heart rhythm disorders (ventricular fibrillation). This can lead to dangerous damage to the so-called heart tissue. Heart attacks are, unfortunately, widespread. Per year in Germany there are almost 300,000 people who suffer a heart attack, and over 48,000 Affected die of the consequences, explain the experts.

Correct and quick Action can prevent any damage to the heart muscle

Through the quick Action of the heart can be averted specialists that any damage to the heart muscle. Also the life after the disease can usually be with an unchanged performance continued when it is the treating Physicians in a timely manner is possible to open the blood clot occluded coronary vessel again, says Professor Schunkert.

Where can I get advice after a heart attack?

Of course, it is also important how behaviour of patients after a heart attack, to avoid possible damages and negative impact. For such people there are special counselors from the experts, ask which heart patients with Coronary heart disease (CHD) or after it emerges from heart attack suggestions for improvement in the health of the heart available. For example, the German heart Foundation offers the „Heart at risk: Coronary heart disease and Herzinfarkt“ the free-of-charge requested.

How can the protection of affected people in front of a re-infarction?

In General, the Exploitation of the follow-up care after a heart attack is not taken, according to the experts, only enough. Actually, the question of whether a surviving a heart attack is not a kind of hint to the next upcoming heart attack place.

If Affected to detect a heart attack in a timely manner and thanks to your fast and correct response to the incident unscathed, it doesn’t stop the heart attack treatment in the catheter laboratory, the note of the German heart centre in Munich. Coronary heart disease is often the trigger for a heart attack and heart disease the end, only because Affected suffer a heart attack, but then continue to exist. This type of disease needs to be treated with the help of a so-called triple therapy, say the experts.

Even after a heart attack, heart disease remains

Many of those Affected will displace the fact that a present coronary heart disease after the heart attack, still continue to exist. If the Affected lead your life like before the heart attack risk of a further heart attack. It is very important that treatment of coronary heart is disease, to avoid the increased risk of a further heart attack. If the Affected, however, exactly as before the infarction, to treat without your CHD, you risk a recurrence of heart attack, warns Professor Schunkert.

Advantages by a triple therapy

If affected heart patients to take their Rehabilitation after a heart attack, seriously, it can be averted the risk of a further heart attack. A triple therapy in the follow-up care after a heart attack is able to prevent the progress of coronary heart disease or at least slow. One such therapy is the ingestion of various drugs that prevent the formation of clots, reduce cholesterol and for the treatment of high blood pressure and damage to the heart muscle can be used, for example.

Affected must change the diet and move more

In order to achieve the necessary lifestyle Changes, which lead to a reduction in heart attack risk, and to the urgency of the diet and the daily physical activity improves. Regular movement and Exercises to improve the endurance (in the best case, represent 30 minutes 5 times a week) an important first step. The second step is the transition to a healthier diet. Here, the so-called Mediterranean cuisine, for example. The third important point in the prevention of further heart attacks is the consistent avoidance of myocardial infarction risk factors such as Diabetes, Obesity, Smoking and Stress, advise the researchers.

Most of the people make after a heart attack, no rehab

In the Rehabilitation of heart attack patients can learn to better deal with their illness. The Affected can make use of this with a healthy life style, and also with questions for the vocational reintegration of deal. Surprisingly, only a few people opt with a heart attack after their disease for the important rehabilitation. It is estimated that only about half of heart attack patients, such a connection treatment. 20 to 30 percent of patients also need psychological support to processing of Fears of a re-infarction. (as)