Klöckner wants to reduce food controls – consumer advocates appalled

A draft law of Julia Klöckner, the German Federal Minister for food, agriculture and consumer protection provides consumer protection agencies for being in a bad mood. In the Ministry, a draft should be available to reduce the number of food inspections.

It reported the “mirror”. The consumer protection organization “food watch” warns against the magazine before the draft: mandatory controls in meat establishments were assigned to the highest risk class, and instead would only have to “more often than on a monthly basis”, as in the past, every day, to be carried out. In the case of serious hygiene shortcomings in Restaurants, the controls would only have to half instead of quarter to be held annually. Lisa Ducret/dpa Julia Klöckner (CDU), Federal Minister for food and agriculture

Ministry report referred to as the “technically wrong”

In a Statement on Saturday morning, the Ministry spoke to the report: “The advance notification of the 'Spiegel' food monitoring is technically incorrect. The statement, Federal Minister of Klöckner planning a weakening of the food Monitoring is a twisting of the facts,“ said a spokesman for the Ministry.

Instead, it is said, Minister of Klöckner concern with the design for a “more efficient monitoring of food products and improve consumer protection”. This assessment is contrary to the “food watch” compared to the “mirror”. Instead, the opposite was the case, “food watch”-chief Martin Rücker.

Tomorrow, Sunday, the consumer protection organization wants to publish the draft law on its website.