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Man in lower Saxony, sick with the measles – he’s dead now
A measles sick adult died in lower Saxony. The infection had contributed significantly to the death, whether they had in fact been the cause, will in a few weeks, said a spokeswoman for the circle of Hildesheim, Germany, on Tuesday.
The Person between the ages of 30 and 40 years of age had been vaccinated eight days before her death for the first time, against measles after in the family environment, the disease was occurred. The vaccination cannot prevent in this case, however, the disease.
How often it comes to measles deaths in Germany?
For privacy reasons, no further details of the death have been made the victims. The Person had shown three days before her death in April, the clinical picture of measles infection, even with the typical skin rash. Why it came to such a rapid and severe course of the disease, had not yet been finally clarified, it was said from the circle. It is still further study results are awaited in the coming weeks.
The information provided by the authorities, how often measles deaths in Germany, are not uniform: According to data of the Federal Statistical office, each year three to seven deaths from measles nationwide. According to information from the provincial health office have been sent in lower Saxony since the introduction of the infection protection act in 2001, there was no measles deaths.
However, a death in lower Saxony in 2005, and another in the year 2015 appear in a table of the Federal Statistical office. How these different information are to explain, initially remained open.
Vaccination is to apply from 2020
In the face of a rising number of infections, Federal health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU), wants mandatory measles vaccinations for daycare and school children, with fines of up to 2500 euros, and exclusion from the nursery visit to to enforce. The vaccination should from 1. March 2020, as a draft law.
In Hildesheim, there had been a couple of weeks ago a major measles outbreak. At several schools in March, unvaccinated students had to stay temporarily at home. The same was true for employees who were able to present a certificate of vaccination. The district spokesperson did not say whether the death was related to the disease wave in schools.
Each 1000. Measles disease leads to death
The head of the Hildesheim health office, Catherine Hüppe, said: "We, complications, such as pneumonia or brain inflammation caused by measles infections are not uncommon knowledge. Deadly curves are known, approximately every 1000. Measles disease leads to death." The "current extremely tragic Todesfall" to emphasize once more how important it is that adults checked their Vaccination and if necessary complete.
The spokeswoman for the state health office, Dagmar Ziehm, stressed that in the case of death of wild virus and not the infection vaccine Viruses would be triggered: “The vaccination has not prevented infection. It is too late.”
In Europe in the last year, at 80,000 cases of measles infection more than 70 deaths, the world health organization (WHO) and the EU-prevention center said the ECDC recently.
These are the symptoms
First of all, measles sound rather innocuous: not later than twelve days after infection, the Diseased flu has similar symptoms such as high fever, eye redness and cough. A rash on the buccal mucosa and on the face, behind the ears and on the body. After three to four days, he disappears, along with the fever.
The Dangerous is: The immune system is weakened. You can fall ill more easily to Bronchitis, and lung infection may follow inflammation. In severe cases, the Sufferer may get an inflammation of the brain. These can take a fatal or lead to consequential damage, mental disabilities and paralysis.
The Standing Committee on vaccination recommends for measles:
Against the infection, there is a good level of protection: a vaccination.
- The first vaccination against measles, Mumps and rubella should be done at the age of 11 to 14 months
- The 2. Measles-Mumps-rubella vaccination in the 2. Age of at the age of 15 to 23 months is recommended. Only if the second vaccination is carried out, ensure a complete protection.
- Adults, born after 1970, and only once or even not against measles been vaccinated, it is recommended to re-vaccination.
The Problem is that measles outbreaks can only be prevented if 95 percent of the people take this protection in the claim. But that’s exactly what happens. The rate is lower. Therefore, the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is planning a vaccination compulsory.
Vaccination compulsory for measles to come
The design of the Ministry, according to the voluntary nature of vaccination against measles for certain groups should be repealed, to "a higher Durchimpfungsrate" to reach. Should get a vaccination as of March 2020 for children and staff in daycare centers and schools, in addition, for Employed in medical facilities.
The duty should only apply to vaccinations against measles, even if there is currently only combination vaccines that immunize usually at the same time, against Mumps and rubella. Children are not vaccinated against measles, you should be able to from the nursery-visit to be excluded. Not enough in the case of school children, the vaccination status, must be.the school this is the health Department report, which can then allow fines Vera
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