Pediatric resident meets nurse who cared for him as newborn

Vilma Wong and Brandon Seminatore first met in 1990 when he was born weighing 2 pounds, 6 ounces.


Pediatric resident Brandon Seminatore was doing a monthlong rotation at the same neonatal intensive care unit where he was cared for as a newborn when he came across someone from his past.

The East Bay Times reports Sunday that long-time nurse Vilma Wong asked Seminatore who he was when she saw him standing near an incubator wearing blue scrubs. She remembered caring for a baby with the same name whose father was a police officer.

It turned out to be Seminatore, who is now training to become a child neurologist.

The story of their reunion at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto has been shared thousands of times via social media.

Seminatore weighed 2 pounds and 6 ounces, the size of a small pineapple, when he was born in 1990.

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