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Prolonged Sitting makes you sick: the doctor waived chairs
Sick chairs: Seats for many of the diseases responsible
Most people in the Western world spend many hours every day sitting. The health, as numerous studies have shown harm. Health experts advise to avoid Sitting for long. A well-known doctor does not recommend this, but lives it also: doctors largely dispenses with chairs.
Work at the Desk
In the Western world, most people spend many hours in a Sitting position. About every Second today works at a Desk. However, long periods of Sitting makes us sick, as several studies were able to show. Health experts therefore advise you to always get back up and move forward. A well-known physician has chosen a different method: he is as good as never. The doctor has banished the chairs to be largely out of his life.

Higher Mortality Rate
Recently, it was in the “Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health“ published a study in Northern Ireland, scientists came to the conclusion that prolonged Sitting can die earlier.
This is because, as a result, the risk of heart disease, type 2 Diabetes and colorectal cancer is increased.
Also, previous studies have shown that constant Sitting reduces our life expectancy significantly.
So American scientists reported years ago in the “American Journal of Epidemiology” that too much time Sitting down, that men have a 20 percent higher mortality rate. In the case of women, they spent as much as 40 percent higher.
The constant lingering on chairs, armchairs and Sofas, however, has not only the consequence that the risk for severe disease and early death increases, but it also leads to a large variety of everyday complaints such as neck pain, thick legs and back pain.
Also, the surgeon, Dr. med. Martin Oswald of Augsburg knows how unhealthy Sitting is. He has removed chairs largely out of his life. In a conversation with “Focus Online,” explains the physician, why he is not in his practice at home on the seat furniture.
Increased risk for varicose veins
In the room of the Augsburg surgeons wait with the focal points of phlebology (venous diseases) and proctology (rectal diseases) are hard to find chairs in the treatment rooms.
Dr. Oswald operates even in the. And at home he is only a little Seating. Only when driving a car, he needs to sit. However, he is sitting Board on a Wood, so that his body will not be relieved completely, and thus weakened.
According to the report of the Online magazine the doctor is already in over two decades that Sitting makes you ill and, for example, varicose veins caused.
Contributed to this assumption, two observations at that time. The physician noted that varicose veins in some regions of the world, such as, for example, in Central Africa occur even in industrial countries, by contrast, very often.
And on the other, he realized that varicose veins in high-risk countries almost every meeting – whether man or woman, thick or thin.
He concluded that there must be a common risk factor that affects the patients with varicose veins. “And the only of the chair, so the Sitting,” said the surgeon, in front of “Focus Online”.
According to him, he was not able to travel on several study to Ethiopia – where people sit in traditional chairs – show that Sitting is the common factor for such diseases.
The claims that he made his investigations to conclusions long before the other scientists such as “Sitting is the new Smoking”.
Dr. Oswald goes a step further and says: “I am even convinced that Sitting is more harmful than Smoking and alcohol.”
Long periods of Sitting and cancer risk
While clarified in what way the health, Sitting hurts, it is not exactly, but Dr. Oswald is sure that the chair takes away the object of the attitude, which negatively affects the muscles, Tendons and bones.
According to the expert, overload Sitting vessels the lower blood, and the rectum and lead to hemorrhoids and varicose veins, but also have health effects on abdominal organs, such as in the male, the prostate, and in women, pelvic floor, bladder, and uterus.
In the contribution is also noted that prolonged Sitting and the risk for some types of cancer increases, however, there was hardly any in-depth studies.
Movement can make attitude changes
Dr. Oswald is doing well avoiding Sitting apparently. The sleek and sporty 67-Year-old know of no age-related aches and pains. This had probably to do with his life style.
“Perhaps not, this is what distinguishes me from many other doctors and researchers – I’m just saying, sitting hurts, I also live then,” says the physician, according to “Focus Online”.
However, not long life to all the people according to this principle. A large part of the population sits professionally, daily for hours at a Desk.
The doctor, according to the motion compensation may be important, but through the Sitting-triggered negative changes in the attitude could not undo.
His conclusion: “One who sits in a little, is probably a little sick, but if you want to stay healthy, shouldn’t even sit on the chair.” (ad)