Recall due to risk of injury – soup broth may contain glass fragments

The Rapunzel Naturkost informed about the recall of the article, “Rapunzel Clear soup” 250g with the best before date 18.09.2020.

The &quot reported;product". As the company explained, were found in the context of a control in a glass of shards of glass. It can therefore not be excluded that in the Clear soup with the above MHD glass fragments may be included.

Product: Rapunzel Clear Soup
Content: 250 g in glass
Date of minimum durability (best before date): 18.09.2020

You should have Clear soup with the above-mentioned MHD at home, it can be in the shop before the location is returned, the purchase price will be refunded.

All the other Rapunzel soups with different MHD and Broths are not affected.

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