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Symptoms of Depression is reversed by activation of a gene
We can, in the future, depression is easy to reverse?
The direct activation of a gene, which is used for the stimulation of our so-called excitatory neurons is important and with severe depression in connection is brought, could contribute to the classical symptoms such as social Isolation and loss of Interest to reverse, at least in men.
The scientists from the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University found in their current study that the activation of a special gene seems to be classic symptoms of Depression such as social Isolation and loss of Interest, to reverse. The doctors published the results of their study in the English journal “Molecular Psychiatry”.
SIRT1 activating drugs for the treatment of Depression?
The experts surveyed in their study, the prefrontal cortex, a brain area that is involved in complex behaviors such as planning, personality, and social behavior. They found that if the so-called SIRT1 Gene has been deactivated, thereby, symptoms of depression in male mice emerged. If in real life Stress has led to the emergence of depression led could be activated is a drug that SIRT1, the symptoms to undo, at least for men, explain the authors of the study. Drugs that activate SIRT1, and the usual high activity of the excitatory neurons allow, could one day be an effective therapy for people with severe Depression, according to the experts.
SIRT1 regulates cell power plants
The discharge (Firing) of signals and the communication of the neurons is reduced in depression clearly. Other diseases, such as manic behavior and seizures indicate, however, excessive supply of signals. Another well-known role of SIRT1 in brain cells power plants, the mitochondria in the regulation of Cell. The scientists found that, at least in part, SIRT1, in the case of men, the excitability of these normally-excited neurons influenced by the number of the cellular power plants and the Expression of genes involved in power plant production has been reduced. The behaviors that you saw, as a consequence, are another indicator for the importance of SIRT1 in the regulation of Mood. also, you could find that the resolution of stress-induced depression resulted in male mice, activation of SIRT1, which was previously disabled by the Stress.
No comparable effect in female animals?
The experts observed that there seemed to be no effects in female mice. This was amazing, because the SIRT1 variant was first identified in a large-scale study with depressed women. The doctors suspect that physical differences in the front region of the brain, could explain the differences in the number of neurons and synapses between men and women, who found gender differences. The researchers are investigating whether similar gender differences in the Hippocampus, another brain region, which plays in depression and other diseases such as Alzheimer’s an important role.
Effects of Anhedonia
Depressed people and depressed mice behave quite similar. They show a so-called Anhedonia, to feel a kind of inability to happiness and joy. The physicians took the customary preference of the mice for a sweet sucrose solution, in order to measure their Depression. If the animals are given the choice, are you drinking usually the solution. In the case of Anhedonia, you will not lose this passion is necessary, but your interest is reduced. Male mice are also looking for any social contact, and are instead solitary. You even lose your interest in Sex and the pheromones of the females, explain the scientists.
What are the depression caused?
Existing drugs that have been used for the treatment of depression should be carefully examined to determine whether they have a similar effect on SIRT1, as is the case with the study drug. Depression is generally caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some people are probably born with a SIRT1 variant that you are predisposed to depression, although environmental factors also play a role in depression, say the authors of the study. Such a SIRT1 variant, but is likely to be very rare and can only be used with depression, you may not be as causal. It is known that the prefrontal cortex plays a role in the emotional reactions and the control of neurotransmitters such as Serotonin neurotransmitter is involved in the regulation of Mood is crucial. The severity of the Depression correlates with the inactivity degree of this brain region, write the authors of the study.
SIRT1-was discovered Gene only in the case of women
In the year 2015 in the journal “Nature” published a study reported on tests of 5.303 Chinese women with severe depressive disorders. In the study, the researchers identified a variant of a SIRT1 gene, one of two with the disorder-associated variants. The researchers replicated the findings later in men. (as)