Name: Taylor Lee Age: 29 Occupation: Librarian Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA How long have you been running? I’ve run here and there since high school, but I consistently started
Curious about a fasting diet? Dabbled in the 5:2? A new study in the journal Science Translational Medicine found that going on a ‘fasting-mimicking diet’ for five days
The CSIRO’s annual Healthy Diet Score has revealed that real estate agents, public servants and health workers have the healthiest eating patterns. It turns out tradies and construction
You might be a healthy-living all-star during the week, eating healthy and sticking to a daily sweat routine. But like clockwork, the weekend rolls around, and indulgent brunches
Avoiding nut products while snacking isn’t always easy, especially when you’re on the hunt for a protein-rich bite to stay full between meals. “Protein provides us with amino acids, and provides
Rosacea Often mistaken for acne, rosacea is a chronic rash that results in red, dome-shaped spots due to excess sebum production. There may also be patches of redness,
Five healthy foods that have more fat than a doughnut! Here’s the thing about fat: Most people have a negative knee-jerk reaction to the word—but they shouldn’t. Good-for-you
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