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High cholesterol: The warning sign your cholesterol levels could be dangerously high
Cholesterol is a waxy substance which is found in the body. The body needs cholesterol to help build healthy cells, however, having high levels of it could increase your risk of heart disease. What is the major sign your cholesterol is dangerously high?
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With high cholesterol, a person can develop fatty deposits in their blood vessels.
Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for enough blood to flow through one’s arteries.
Sometimes, those deposits can break suddenly and form a clot which causes a heart attack or a stroke.
Other symptoms of a stroke caused by high cholesterol include:
- A sudden loss of balance and coordination
- Facial asymmetry (drooping eyelid and mouth on just one side)
- Inability to move, particularly affecting just one side of the body
- Confusion
- Slurring of words
- Numbness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body
- Blurred vision, blackened vision, or double vision
- Sudden severe headache
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The Mayo Clinic said: “Cholesterol is carried through your blood, attached to proteins.
“This combination of proteins and cholesterol is called lipoprotein.
“There are different types of cholesterol, based on what the lipoprotein carries.
“They are low-density lipoprotein or “bad” cholesterol which transports cholesterol particles throughout the body.
“High-density lipoprotein or “good” cholesterol which picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to your liver.”
To help reduce your risks associated with having high cholesterol, a few tweaks to your diet can make all the difference.
Saturated fats are found primarily in red meat and full-fat dairy products and are known to raise a person’s total cholesterol.
By decreasing the consumption of saturated fats, a reduction in low-density lipoprotein will occur.
Eliminating trans fats will also significantly reduce your risk of serious health complications caused by high cholesterol.
Trans fats raise a person’s overall cholesterol levels, and these include foods such as cookies, crackers and cakes.
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