Who drinks fruit juice, you die earlier? Behind the U.S.-shock study

In fruit juices, lots of healthy vitamins, but also a lot of fruit sugar. Experts therefore do not recommend excessive consumption. However, fruit juices are really as bad as US researchers now claim? They found: fruit juices will shorten the life time – and more so than Soft Drinks.

Manufacturers want your drink "Fruchtsaft" call, you may not add any additional sugar. The drink must consist of 100 percent fruit. However, some fruit juices have so much sugar as a Soft Drink. Blame it on the natural fruit sugar of the fruit is also fructose called.

Another drawback is the drinks: they contain less healthy ingredients than fresh, raw fruit – for example, less fiber, and fewer secondary plant substances. The German society for nutrition recommends a maximum of 200 milliliters of fruit juice per day, so a small glass.

Fruit juice is more dangerous than Soft Drinks?

Although experts advise that from excessive fruit juice consumption, surprised now, a study from the USA: it is fruit juices as a potentially life-threatening. A team of researchers from Atlanta had taken both sugar-sweetened Soft Drinks as well as juices with 100 percent fruit content under the microscope and came to the conclusion: Both will shorten the life fruit juices even more drastic than lemonade.

Specifically, a large glass of fruit juice (350 milliliters) increase daily, the risk of dying early, by 24 percent. A corresponding glass of lemonade, Cola or Fanta, increasing the risk by only eleven percent. So far the results of the current study. For this purpose, the researchers had analyzed data from 13.440 adults over the age of 45 years.

Study with large defects

Each subject had filled out a questionnaire to his diet. He had to be able to specify 110 specified foods and beverages, how often is it that consumed. The big Problem: The subjects completed the questionnaire only Once at the beginning of the study. Whether your eating and drinking behavior in the course of the coming years changing, not experienced scientists.

Also, whether the subjects of the truth answered true to, or their diet may be better represented than it was in this type of survey is impossible to find out.

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Six years after the beginning of the study to contact the researchers contacted the subjects again. Now they wanted to know who had died in the meantime, and whether their death could be related with your diet – specifically your consumption of Soft Drinks or fruit juices. Purely statistically, the above correlation is shown indeed.

However, a relatively small number had died to this point in time, only 1168 subjects – to provide a secure connection between cause of death and the consumption of Beverages manufacture.


How individual food or drinks impact the health of a person, is extremely research heavy to. Possibly people that tend to fruit juices or sodas, eat, generally more unhealthy than people who drink, preferably water. You die earlier than average, need not be specifically on the fruit juice, is the fault of the entire diet can be.

Generally speaking, fruit juices are much healthier than fruit nectar, fruit juice or fruit juice drinks because they contain significantly more fruit and no sugar. More than a glass of you should not drink anyway per day. Take important vitamins and nutrients prefer raw or gently cooked fruit.

The German society for nutrition identifies the benefits:

  • Fresh, whole fruit has more fiber, and more phytochemicals than fruit juice.
  • Whole fruit usually has fewer calories.
  • Fruit has a greater volume and contributes more to saturation.
  • Also the Chew in contrast to the fast swallowing of juices, contributes to a better saturation effect.
  • Who’s eating a crisp Apple that has a “Kauerlebnis” and a greater variance of different flavors as in the case of a fruit juice.
  • Especially in children, the reference to food in its natural Form is important. This is lost when fruit is consumed only in the Form of fruit juices.
  • And good for the environment: fruit packaging needs.