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A number of Corona cases according to service in Frankfurt – Region as a whole affected
The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than 5 million people globally have become infected with the novel Sars-CoV-2 – 177.696 of them so far in Germany.
New Corona Fire after Church service in Frankfurt
Apparently, it has come at a worship service in a Frankfurt Baptist Church to numerous infections. The " reported;Frankfurt Rundschau". The Deputy head of the Frankfurt health authority, Antoni Walczok, said thus: “It is a very dynamic Happen.” Believers from the entire Rhine-Main region to be affected, the report says.
The exact number of infections is still unclear, however, exclusively in Hanau, Germany, 16 people tested positive, which are assigned to the chain of infection.
The service of worship was held on 10. May be held in the prayer house of the gospel Christians-Baptists-Church. The Chairman of the Association spent currently at the hospital, reported the newspaper.
The rules were not injured, according to the health service. Worship services were allowed at the time in Hessen. “There was no breach of a legal regulation,” said Walczok the "Rundschau". The rules would also be required to register the names and addresses of visitors. The number of participants, there have been no guidelines.
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