Zoe Foster Blake Shares How She’s Preparing For The Birth Of Her Second Baby

With the impending arrival of baby number two, Zoe Foster Blake has revealed how she’s preparing for labour this time around.

The writer, skin-care guru and imaginary BFF of most Aussie women took to Instagram to share her pre-birth plans alongside a snap of her doula and birth educator (and fanatical swans fan) Marie Burrows.

“Having a positive birth first round has led to me being complacent about the sequel,” she wrote.

“Basic breathing/swearing/pushing aside, I’ve forgotten what to do.”

Zoe says that Marie has helped her feel ‘calm and positive’ about her approaching labour.

“Even the bit where I will spew everywhere, and tell my poor husband to stop fu*cking touching me, then beg him to massage my back 30 seconds later,” Zoe continued.

“She reminded me that it’s all positive pain, that each contraction is a small victory, a step closer. To surrender. To use drugs for fatigue, not to run away from the pain. (I BOLTED away from the pain with my epidural and I regret nothing.)”

She says that husband Hamish Blake’s role will be to “protect the space”.

Marie also reminded her that if decisions arise they didn’t expect or desire they can regain control of the birth by taking a time-out and re-grouping.

Even if you have experienced childbirth before, Zoe says “a bit of reassurance and a refresh doesn’t hurt”.

Having a positive birth first round has led to me being complacent about the sequel. (Yes! I had a happy birth. I mention this cos you don’t often hear positive birth stories. This is a shame, since there’s enough fear of childbirth without it being enhanced solely by horror stories, valid and informative as they are. We need to hear good ones, too. Annnyway.) Basic breathing/swearing/pushing aside, I’ve forgotten what to do. So I booked doula, birth educator and fanatical Swans fan, Marie Burrows, to come over today and remind me/us how to 'do birth'. Like many a wonderful doula and midwife, Marie makes me feel calm and positive about childbirth. Even the bit where I will spew everywhere, and tell my poor husband to stop fucking touching me, then beg him to massage my back 30 seconds later. She reminded me that it's all positive pain, that each contraction is a small victory, a step closer. To surrender. To use drugs for fatigue, not to run away from the pain. (I BOLTED away from the pain with my epidural and I regret nothing.) That it's one of the most powerful and intense moments of my life. That my husband's job is to "protect the space.” That if decisions arise we didn’t foresee or don’t like, we can always regain control of the birth by taking a time-out and re-grouping. Anyway. A bit of reassurance and a refresh doesn’t hurt, I reckon. Even if you’ve done it all before. (Marie and her creepy little doll service both Sydney and Melbourne and she’s wonderful. Her website is birthingrites.com) I also recommend reading (and giggling through) Spiritual Midwifery by Ina May. And heaps of other shit but I gotta get dinner sorted so just Google it maybe.

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Zoe has previously spoken openly about her pregnancies, particularly around the severe pubic and pelvic pain she experienced while carrying her now three-year-old Sonny.

Thanks to “pilates, osteopathy, lots of dull at-home exercises and a spell from a lovely white witch named Brenda” she says that her second time around has been a lot better than her first.

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