Giving birth sharpens the mind years later, study suggests as experts say women may benefit from oestrogen produced in pregnancy or receive a boost to their immune system
Children with a greater number of siblings are more likely to receive a later diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) than their peers, potentially hindering their educational
It’s an unforeseen side effect of the nation’s opioid epidemic: Adolescent heroin users. A USC study in the July 8 issue of JAMA Pediatrics shows that teens who
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 13, 2019 — Midlife systemic inflammation is associated with cognitive decline, according to a study published online Feb. 14 in Neurology. Keenan A. Walker, Ph.D., from
Mother’s love makes children healthier and less likely to be depressed in later life ‘because the happy memories encourage them to be healthy’ Adults who recall their mothers
What a difference a year of high school can make—for long-term health. In 1972, England, Scotland and Wales raised the mandatory school attendance age from 15 to 16.
The findings, which come from a Journal of Diabetes analysis of 11,515 men and 13,569 women in China, indicate that nutrition in early life may play a role
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