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Coronavirus: the Opening of schools as the first to implement – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal
Leopoldina-opinion: the return to “normality can succeed”
Up to 20. April run out of measures to contain the new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in any case, but what next after that? The National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has revealed in its third-party Ad-hoc opinion on the COVID-19 pandemic, a roadmap, with the gradual “normalization” can be implemented without increasing the risk of further infections drastically.
First of all should be opened according to the Leopoldina-German opinion, especially the schools as soon as possible, but gradually. Starting with the primary schools and lower secondary level, the school could be taken up gradually again. The care in day-care centers see the experts, however, rather critically, and speak only with the children in the Transition to elementary school for a re-recording. Continue to be for the gradual normalization of the public life by way of proposed special measures such as Wearing mouth-nose protection masks in public transport.
The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus and the measures adopted to curb the infections have a massive impact on all areas of our society. As the return to “normality” can be achieved, the scientists from the National Academy of Sciences set out now. Your opinion is dealing with the psychological, social, legal, pedagogical and economic aspects of the pandemic, and speaks several of the key recommendations. The Chancellor sees the recommendations as an important basis for the decisions to be taken.
The field of education, gradually open
By the Corona-crisis-a massive reduction in care, teaching and learning occurred in the area of education services, as well as an intensification of social inequality, which is why the should be the opening of the educational institutions as soon as possible. “This must, on the one hand, repealed the education restrictions, on the other hand, the risks to re-pierce will be minimized,” the opinion of the Leopoldina.
Primary schools and secondary schools first
First, the primary schools and the secondary education should be re-opened gradually, as the younger children are instructed in the education system more on personal care, guidance and support, emphasize the experts. The possibility of distance learning, whether digital or analog, better use could with age. Therefore, a return to the usual instruction could be carried out in the higher levels of the educational system later.
Day care centers up to the summer holidays?
For the area of day-care centres, the recommendation of the National Academy of Sciences, here initially up to the summer holidays, only emergency operation to continue except for children in Transition to elementary school. “In the area of kindergartens and day nurseries, a rule should be operating with reduced group sizes (max. 5 children per room) at the Transition to primary school (5-6-Year old) take place“, the Leopoldina-an opinion. This does not apply for the smaller children, since these rules to the Distance and protection measures to keep, but at the same time, the infection can pass.
Also in the care in Horten, only the continuation of the emergency care is provided, in the opinion expressly referred to that this implies, “that working parents will continue to be supported by a very flexible handling of working hours and places, as well as financially.”
Prerequisites for the normalization of public life
The public life can be normalized according to the experts, step by step, if the following conditions are met:
Mouth-nose protection in passenger transport in the future duty?
For example, the retail and the hospitality could open the business again as well as the General business and regulatory audience are made to resume, and official and private travel köntnen in compliance with the above-mentioned protective measures. “Wearing mouth-nose protection should be used as an additional measure, in certain areas, such as the public passenger transport duty”, the National Academy of Sciences.
Cultural and sporting events
Also could be possible”, depending on the possible spatial distance, and the contact intensities of the Involved social, cultural and sporting events, and” say the experts, more. A continuous Monitoring of the infection permanent pay essential.
Economic and financial policy challenges
The consequences of the Corona to intercept the crisis, the government is also the economic and fiscal policy for stabilization: in the Short term helps to Bridge the difficult Situation such as short-time work, cash grants, Tax deferrals and grants, in order to reduce bankruptcies. In the medium term, further fiscal stimulus such as tax relief or additional resources for public investment, such as in the healthcare, digital infrastructure and climate protection.
The course for sustainability
It is necessary now to set the course for sustainability, because already existing global challenges, such as, in particular, climate – and species conservation, so the opinion of the Leopoldina disappear with the Corona-crisis. Therefore, political action at the national and international level should be to the principles of ecological and social sustainability, the future, compatibility and resiliency recovery oriented. Economic recovery programmes should, in principle, with the objectives of the European “Green Deals” to be compatible.
Corona pandemic will determine the life on months
“If the pandemic will determine the economic and social life in months, also, about the acute limitations of key fundamental rights such as the freedom of movement to develop criteria and strategies for the gradual return to normality”; summarize the experts in their opinion. A prerequisite for such a gradual loosening, however, is that new infections are stabilizing at a low level, the health system is not overloaded, Infected increasingly be identified and the protective measures (hygiene measures, mouth, nose protection, distance rules) to be disciplined and adhered to. (fp)