A recent review published in Cell Host & Microbe reviewed the efforts to develop universal vaccines for viruses at family and genus levels. Study: Broad-spectrum pan-genus and pan-family
Because of the opioid crisis, physicians are less likely to administer opioids to help manage patients' pain, even in the operating room. A recent analysis in JAMA Surgery
As the body ages, organ function progressively declines and the risk for a wide range of diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, increases. Understanding how the
Have you ever wondered why your back aches when you’re down with the flu or a cold? Or COVID? This discomfort, common during many illnesses, is not just
In a recent article published in PLOS One Journal, researchers investigated the impact of maternal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Staffing levels likely drive the differences in hospitalizations and emergency department visits among nursing homes, the researchers report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Studies show
New research shows that polyphenolic compounds, which are commonly found in fruits and vegetables, can be combined with sugar molecules to create potential life-saving drugs. Polyphenols are a
Conflict is unavoidable in all marriages. When it erupts in families with children, stressed or angry parents may take their pain out on the kids, projecting their anger
After adjustment for body mass index (BMI), clinically important differences in the prevalence of dense breasts persist across racial/ethnic groups, according to a study published online June 7
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